USTA Tournaments

USTA Tennis Tournaments

Whether you're looking to earn ranking points, sharpen your playing skills, or have a fun tennis weekend, we have the tournament for you. Check this page often for a list of local, non-sanctioned tournaments and USTA sanctioned tournaments.

Other Tournaments

In addition to USTA-sanctioned tournaments, the DCTA community has an abundance of other adult tournament opportunities. Check back here often for a list of other competitive play opportunities.

USTA Spring League 2021

USTA Spring League enables you to play team competition against players of similar skill levels. Most spring leagues consist of singles and doubles play. Leagues range from 2.5 to 5.0+ NTRP levels. Your play during the spring season determines your NTRP rating for the following year.

Teams compete locally to progress to state, sectional, and national championships. Players may register for teams at their NTRP level or one level higher. For instance, a player ranked 3.0 may play on a 3.5 team, but may not play on a 2.5 team. 

New to USTA League tennis? Learn more about what to expect from USTA League tennis here.

Players needing teams or Captains needing players 

Players who do not have a team and would like assistance in finding one may submit their request on TennisLink using the new Find & Sign Up for a League tool.  If you are a captain that needs a player, please email Local League Coordinator, Samantha Haislip at

Please note that players may only play on one team per NTRP and age level. For instance, an 18 & Over 2.5 woman may play on a 2.5 weekday or weekend team but not both. She may additionally play on a 40 & Over 2.5 team if she is old enough.

Please read the following carefully, due to COVID we are doing registration in stages.

 Important Registration Dates

  1. January 1-22: ALL CAPTAINS must fill out a Request for Team Number form for each team you are captaining. Captains will NOT create their own team this year; the LLC will create all teams. Team numbers will be assigned starting on January 1.
  2. January 22-29: Registration will open on January 22 with 8 spots per team. You must have 8 players registered by the 29th, including the minimum “on level” players required, if applicable. This is required to ensure the team is viable and we can start scheduling. See below for the minimum on level player requirements.
  3. February 15: Registration will open for all other players on the roster, 15 maximum. A player must be registered before he/she plays their first match.

Captains: Click here for the Team Number Request Form

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