If you enjoy playing on a team with friends of different NTRP levels, you might consider playing on a summer Tri-Level team.
The Tri-Level format consists of 3 courts of doubles per match. Each court plays a different level such as 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. A player may only play up one NTRP level above their current NTRP level. For instance, a 3.5 player may play on a 3.5 court or a 4.0 court.
Adults 18 and over are eligible to play. Each team must have a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 15.
All players participating in USTA Leagues are required to join the USTA. A league fee of $22 also applies which includes a $3 Tennislink fee. City teams will have court fees of $30 per match. Click here (link to “About USTA Leagues” page) for more information about USTA Leagues and NTRP Ratings.
If you are registering as a club team, it is your responsibility to notify your club pro that you plan to have a team prior to registering on TennisLink! This will ensure that your club can guarantee home courts for your matches.
Questions? Contact Bobby Taylor
609 Kingold Blvd, Snow Hill, NC 28580 · (252) 653-5449